Word examples are rendered with programmatically computed spaces instead of
invisible tables; dependency on {flextable}
is gone. Examples without a
source also look better as a result.
Dependencies on {tidyr}
, {stringr}
and {magrittr}
are gone.
Word and HTML examples that don't need alignment look better.
New options for Latex rendering.
It is possible to create glosses in Quarto documents.
New examples with Quarto slides and documents.
New gloss_factory()
function and vignette("gloss_factory")
New option to add spacing above and below the glosses in PDF.
Read Latex coding of "zero" for HTML. (TODO figure out for Word.)
Fix the expex latex dependency for compatibility with Xelatex.
.New and better error messages.
The translation is Word output now spans as long as the content (it might be too long and the user might have to shorten the table).
and gloss_df()
have a new output_format
argument to set a specific format.
function and utility functions to generate Word output using flextable::flextable()
.Create class gloss_data
to read and manage data from glosses.
Now as_gloss()
doesn't care about "parsed", "original" or any other other
argument names beyond "translation", "label" and "source". All other names will
be interpreted as lines to align (with a maximum of 3).
A source can now be printed at the top of the gloss example.
Translations are automatically surrounded by quotation marks. The actual quotation marks can be removed or replaced either by giving them as the trans_quotes
argument to as_gloss()
or by setting options("glossr.trans.quotes" = "yourquotes")
Adapt gloss_pdf()
and gloss_html()
to work with gloss_data
The LateX package used for pdf now is exPex
instead of gb4e
. No need to add \noautomath